Friday, 20 June 2008

Wiredin Heroin Videos

There is loads of songs directly about heroin but one verse sticks out in my mind, it to me covers more than heroin. It's power is in it's simplicity of life in general or how it can get.
The song is an old Billy Joel song called Piano Man about his early days of playing in cheap joints
"Theres an old man sitting next to me making love to his tonic and Gin," just one line I love
"It's a pretty good night for a Saturday and the manager gives me a smile,
Cause he knows that its me they been coming to see to forget about life for a while"
"Sing us song your the piano man sing us a song tonight,
Cause where all in the mood for a melody and you got us feeling alright"

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Birth Death

BIRTH--------------------------------------------------LIFE-DEATH----REBIRTH???? OR HEAVEN OR

Whatever gets you to the light


Thursday, 12 June 2008

Solvents to heroin to making connections

If i told you that sniffing butane gas can stop the crave for opiates you would think I was wrong. but i have done all drugs and experimented on myself. Booze creates an connection with nicotine. We are only startching the surface and answer me this how can a group of people using solvents see the same 'halluncintion'. how can an opiate dependant person go days without opiates if he sniffs butane gas. why can a person take 200ml of valium drink a bottle of vodka, plus 250ml of methadone and write a masterpiece. So how can this person be treated with sufficent pain relief from a junior doctor at A.E. you tell me. Doctors need to learn from us..... or do we matter. COMPASSION & UNDERSTANDING is in my world, is it in the medical world?

Friday, 6 June 2008

Harm Reduction under attack

So what can we do to fight the anti harm reduction brigade-sign up with The Drugs Health Alliance

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Methadone and I

This is when I was at the end of my rope. Strung out on heroin I rang the then Methadone Alliance and who happened to be walking past the phone but a certain Bill Nelles.

Friday, 30 May 2008

Black Days

Some light reading for the Mr and Mrs I watch Eastenders , Big Brother and use our phone to destroy peoples lives on 'Reality' shows. I don't write many poems especially when your mood makes your head feel like it is full of black tar.

250ml to zero

This was published in Drink and Drug News. I tried to cover alot of issues that need addressing. Also I try to explain to someone facing detox their rights to have it done on their terms. Some of the nurses felt threatened by me as I had done alot of reading on opiates and withdrawrals. This was around my 7th detox so I knew the ropes. Not all the nurses were prejudiced but they are not specialised for detox patients.
My hope is for someone about to go into a detox to read this and understand what is happening to their mind and body-it makes a big difference if you know what is happening to you
My mum read this not understanding a word of it said it made her feel proud and she showed all her friends. God Bless you mum.

David Wright Part 7

I needed to find peace of mind. Street heroin was more or less behind me. I was so down when I wrote this.

David Wright Part 8

250ml of methadone a day and you would think being an opiate addict I would be happy? How wrong was that, I was losing my mind-then I was offered pharmacutical diamorphine!!!

So what Now

This is my latest piece of writing where I look at why some people end up heroin addicts, well it is why I did but I have a feeling it is a well trodden path.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Diary of a heroin addict Part 1

This was a first for me in so many ways. It was the start my writings being published. This is the first of six parts of what I called 'Diary of a Herion Addict' which was published in Drink and Drug News. Also this first part is about the first time I used drugs, the first time I used heroin and was to set me on a path of ecstacy, laughter, confusion, insanity, fear, darkness, light....... well have a read. All I will say it happened to me and is happening to hundreds of thousands to people in this country of ours.

Diary of a Heroin Addict Part 2

What the fuck is happening to me, I'm dying-what do you mean it's only 'cold turkey'-now I need this shit everyday!!

Diary of a Heroin Addict Part 3

When your heart stops and you turn blue it is handy to have friends with you. Also it was my 'wake up call' "er excuse me doctor but I think I'm mad"

Diary of a Heroin Addict Part 4

Well it had come to this, I had ended up in the nut house-but it was not quite what I expected, learning alot about things like prejudice, mental illness and i was not really mad.........

Diary of a Heroin Addict Part 5

Now I knew real fear-the prospect of spending 6 months with total strangers without my chemical shields. Yet the first night I crossed one of the most important bridges of my life.

Diary of a Heroin Addict Part 6

If it was not for leaving everything I knew as home behind to start a new life in wales I would probably still be doing heroin now or worse......